by K
Well apparently going out of my way to do nice things for people is a little more difficult than I expected it to be, making 10 for 10 (see previous post) a teeny bit frustrating. I gave a couple bucks to the guy that I always see standing with a "Single father of 2 just trying to make ends meet" sign when I drive to work, and when I found a dollar on the ground yesterday I gave it to the little sister instead of buying myself (another) bag of fritos. But who am I kidding? That's nothing. Our monthly dinner service at the local homeless shelter this Friday was going to be my big redeemer, until I realized my brother is going to be in town for literally 24 hours and I want to spend as much time with him as possible - so I may not go.
I did have a big idea to donate a ton of soup to a food pantry, because I read on a money-saving blog that you can currently get 9 cans of Healthy Choice at Jewel for FREE (and continue to do separate 9-can transactions to get all the soup you want if you're really feeling bored)... but then I dragged Dan along to 2 different Jewels last night and there wasn't a single can of the sale soup left. Obviously the more noble thing to do would just be to buy some soup to donate, but I was hoping to be a little more clever about this 10 for 10 thing, and so far it's been a major FAIL.
I've been working later than usual and am barely able to force myself out of bed in the morning... which doesn't leave much room for volunteering or anything, but I am saving a major clothing donation for this weekend, which I'm excited about. I have nearly a dozen garbage bags full of clothes in the basement that have been there forEVER as I insist that I will have a garage sale someday... but garage sale season is over, the bags are still there, and I'm thrilled that this little 10 for 10 deal has given me the final push I need to just do some good and donate it all.
Glancing back over what I've written above, I realize I may be coming across as a little whiney, which is the exact opposite of what this whole thing was all about. But fear not! It's only day 3 and I'm really just a little frustrated that I'm finding it difficult to do nice things, and I'm having a hard time grasping that sometimes life just gets in the way. I'm thankful that if nothing else, I'm more aware of my own personal desire to help, and I'll continue to try and find ways to do so regardless of the date or if an ex-bachelor hottie says to do so. I'll be back next week with a final rundown of how 10 for 10 netted out!
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